The conclusion of stable managers who changed from manual to automatic sifting is unanimous.

None would give up their automatic manure and bedding sifter.

The main objection of stable owners to making the change is the up-front investment. The key word here is investment. In a ten-stall stable, it can take just a few months for the investment to be recouped. In a 10-stall facility the Stall Shi*fter can return your upfront investment many times over.

Manure and bedding Sifter stall cleaning machine

Brockwood Stall Shi*fter: the world’s leading manure and bedding sifter

  • Frame construction: 14 ga steel tube, powder-coated baked enamel finish.
  • Rear Wheels: 20-inch semi-pneumatic rubber tires, 1/2 in sealed bearing hubs.
  • Front Wheels: 12-inch semi-pneumatic rubber tires, 1/2 in sealed bearing hubs.
  • Motor compartment: 1/2″ oak panels w/ 1.5″ solid hardwood sides and supports. Banner Red exterior acrylic enamel, 2 coats.
  • Screen frame: 1/2″ oak side panels w/ 1.5″ solid hardwood front. Banner Red exterior acrylic enamel, 2 coats.
  • Screen material: 16 ga, 1/2 inch flattened expanded metal w/ baked enamel finish.
  • Motor: Leeson,120 VAC, 1/3 hp, industrial grade, totally enclosed fan cooled, dust free motor.
  • Drive assembly: Specially designed belt driven crank shaft w/heavy duty mount and sealed main bearings.
  • Connecting Rod: Heavy duty 3/8″ tie rod ends, NASCAR approved, high grade steel on steel Hime joints.
  • Electrical: Comes with 25 foot extension cord and dust proof lighted push button on/off switch.
  • Handle: 1/4″ solid steel extenders w/foam padded hand piece with Naugahyde cover.
  • Options: special screens available for sifting specialty materials.
  • 3 year warranty on parts and labor.

$2,695.00 Plus Shipping*

*Machines shipping to countries with 50 Hz, 230V power standards are $2895.00 because of the special order 1/3 Hp motor and non-standard wiring and mounting required. These countries include most far eastern and European countries as well as some South American countries.

After you have viewed the video and read all about the Stall Shi*fter on our pages here, it is our hope that you will have a pretty good idea of whether or not a Stall Shi*fter will work for your operation. We further hope that you will pick up the phone and call us to place an order for the machine that best suits your needs.

Bedding Sifter Cost/Saving Analysis

Featured below is a cost benefit analysis of using the Brockwood Stall Shi*fter, the leading automatic manure and bedding sifter, as compared to cleaning a stall with a standard manure fork. The table below shows the daily cost of stall cleaning using the manual method of manure removal and the automatic stall cleaning method with a manure and bedding sifter.

Over 10 years of customer responses show that on average it takes about 15 minutes for an experienced stall cleaner to sufficiently hand pick a 10 x 12 stall bedded about 3 inches deep with saw chips or medium to small shavings. It also takes about 1/2 bale of shavings to replenish the urine soaked shavings and the shavings that get thrown out with the manure.

An automatic manure and bedding sifter greatly reduces the time required to clean the stall as well as the amount of bedding needed to replenish that which was thrown away in the process. Our automatic manure and bedding sifter can reduce the cost of cleaning a stall by $2.50 per day as shown below. Savings are based on labor cost of $7.50/hour and bedding cost of $5.00/bale  Times to clean and bedding usage based on customer responses .

Manual Picking vs. Automatic Manure and Bedding Sifter

Single stall
Time to clean 15 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes
Daily shavings use ½ bale ¼ bale ¼ bale
Daily Labor cost $1.88 $0.63 $1.25
Daily Shaving cost $2.25 $1.125 $1.25

Daily Savings per Stall is $2.50
Daily savings in a 10 stall stable is $25.00
Annual savings in a 10 stall stable is $9,125.00

The conclusion of stable managers who changed from manual to automatic sifting is unanimous. None would give up their automatic manure and bedding sifter. The main objection of stable owners to making the change is the up-front investment. The key word here is investment. In a ten-stall stable it can take just a few months for the investment to be recovered. In a 10 stall facility the Stall Shi*fter can return your up front investment many times over.

  • Dear Sir I would like to let you know how much I love my shifter. Once again I get true enjoyment from doing my chores. It is a pleasure to look at all the uniform stall. Love it ! The fact that it is made in the USA with such attention to detail. Love it ! I can’t say enough wonderful things about it. Thank you again for your great product Sincerely, Jacque

  • The stall shifter arrived tonight. We put it together in the living room while we watched tv and then wheeled it out to the barn and tried it on my worst stall. I LOVE it. It took us a minute to find the best spot to set it up since the stall is fairly uneven. But it worked great and my stall looks wonderful! Thank you so much Kristin

  • Will love sharing my experience with others. I have always been a fastidious stall cleaner (suffice to say my stalls are cleaner than my kitchen) so did not expect significant savings except time but I am quite impressed by how nice the stalls look using the shifter. My husband will spend all day trying to find a mechanized way to do something that would take only a short time so he is also impressed. I wanted you to know that the boys easily adjusted to the stall shifter in the stall but of course I must keep it to one side. Best investment I have made in some time. Janet Hampstead, NH

  • I am happy to tell one and all about my experience with the Stall Shi*fter; rarely am I so enthusiastic about a machine, but this really did make a difference for me, and other than the barn itself, it is the first thing that I will replace. Feel free to post my comments wherever you wish. Cheers, Sheridan

  • Thank you for sending the replacement motor/gearbox spline. This was exactly what I needed. It is funny that after using your stall shi*fter for the last couple of years that I felt so lost without it the 2 days I couldn’t use it! If this isn’t an endorsement, I don’t know what is. David

  • I just wanted to say thank you so much for my stall shifter. I do not think I could run my farm without this machine. It really has paid for itself in that I can clean my 7-8 stalls every day by myself. Before I bought it two years ago, I was so burnt out and sick of cleaning every day. But now it’s so easy and efficient that stall cleaning is just something I do, not a chore. Once I created my “system” for cleaning with the shifter it has become a breeze.

    Thanks again!! Elizabeth Morosani in North Carolina
  • The Stall Shi*fter is working really good, I love it. It was so easy to do my chores today. My girlfriend is coming over to look at it and hopefully you will get  another sale. My shavings worked out a lot better than I thought they would, very  few went into the bucket. Thanks again, Bonnie

  • Got the stall shifter yesterday. Great packing job and easy to follow directions it took me about an hour to put together. But let me tell you something. My wife and I went back and forth on this thing because of the price but we should have bought it before we built the new barn. It not only saves time and shavings but it makes the stalls look great and I mean awsome. Everyone in my 26 stall barn is amazed. Thank you ever so much for making or life’s a whole lot easier. Thanks Again Tom &Linda Freeman Grand Paradise Ranch

  • Hello Mr. Hopkins, The Stall Shifter has arrived safe and sound. We used it for the first time – very cool! We were fighting over who gets to use it first! It appears that you spent a great deal of time and thought on it. I’m sure our stall cleaning-related aches and pains will cease to exist before long. Thanks again. I’ll be showing the Shifter to my friends… Best regards, Shari P.S. I’ve included a sample of my art. The Stall Shifter will be a great help in preventing stiffness in my hands so I can paint comfortably.

  • You are a genius,.  We love your machine! It has made stall cleaning sooo much easier. The horses love to watch it as well which is great for laughs, but also the bedding is so fluffed up after the cleaning that it makes it better for the horses. Great job and thank you Robert Ratcliff

  • I just want to let you know, I am very happy with your stall shifter. If you need good word in French for your product, let me know Have a nice day, Stéphane Bégin President:

  • “We at Horses for a Change wanted to let you know how much we love our Brockwood Stall Shifter. It has saved us so much time and hard labor, we can't tell you. it's been especially wonderful for the crew that does night check because they don't have to do much picking up of stalls in the evening. We also wanted to thank you for your donation of a 10% discount, a value of $224.90on on our Shifter, which was delivered in October of 2018.”

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